Free School Meals Application

  1. Lead Parent Details
  2. Secondary Parent Details
  3. Benefits
  4. Dependent Children
  5. Declaration
Free school meals and free school travel cards are available to eligible students only.


Children who attend the Island’s primary and secondary schools, or students aged 18 and under who attend the University College Isle of Man on a full-time basis are eligible provided that:
  • The lead parent or guardian of the pupil or student is in receipt of at least one of the following benefits:
    • Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    • Employed Person’s Allowance
    • Income Support
  • In addition to the first bullet, in the case of students at the University College Isle of Man, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are not in receipt of an award from the Student Awards section of the Department of Education, Sport & Culture.
  • In addition to the first bullet, in the case of free school travel, the child or student travels more than one mile, measured as a straight line to or from the school/college they attend. Check your mileage via theapproved government system.

Application Details

Lead Parent/Guardian Details

Lead Parent/Guardian Address